Hello, iam Ernest Joyce, Have a pleasant day.

Does Toothpaste Fix Scratched Discs? [Solved]

Yes, toothpaste can be used to remove scratches. Clean the disc with warm water, soap, and a cloth and then dry it, making sure that no lint is left behind. Squeeze toothpaste onto the disc and rub it on the disc in a straight motion from the center out to the edges. Finally, wash off the toothpaste and dry the disc.

Can you actually fix a Game Disc with Toothpaste?

yes you can. just not this time Second channel: PolarSaurusRextra Instagram: supersaiyanlewis / PolarSaurusRex Twitter: …

Mythbusting : Does Toothpaste Really fix /repair Scratched Video Games ??


“How To Fix Any Scratched Disc” - FREE TOOTHPASTE FIX

In this video I show you how to