Greetings, iam Louis Gonzalez, I hope you have the best day today.

How Did They Tell Time In The 1800S? [Solved]

In the 1800s, the three main sources of determining the time were the clock at the center of your town, the railroads, and the sun, but it would not be uncommon for all three to tell you different times. Every city or town had the ability to set its own time so 1:05 PM in your town could be 1:15 the next town over.19 Dec 2016

A Brief History of Timekeeping | How Humans Began Telling Time | EXPLORE MODE

Timekeeping #History #ExploreMode A lot goes on in just 24 hours. But why is a day divided in 24 hours in the first place?

A Brief History of Timekeeping


Isaiah 58-66: Beyond Come Follow Me

In Isaiah 58, we learn not HOW to fast, but WHY to fast. The Lord is so anxious to bless us with so much more. Fasting opens the …